Enter the Potion House! The Necrochu witch is going on holiday and leaving her abode in the care of the most brilliant sorcerer among you! Armed with recipes and a magic wand, rummage through the messy attic searching for ingredients to fill your magic bag.
Brew the best potion as fast as you can and be sure to keep an eye on your opponents.
Whats in the box?
1 Magic Wand
4 Storage Lids
5 Bag Cards
40 Ingredients Cards
40 Ingredients Tokens
40 Potion Tokens
How to play:
On your turn, take the magic wand and choose to search the attic or concoct a potion!
If searching the attic, you can search for the highest possible number of ingredients corresponding to your cards, but you must follow Necrochus five rules:
You can only look inside one storage space by lifting its lid.
You can move ingredients tokens around but must only use one finger to do so.
The other sorcerers can look at the contents of the storage once you open it, but they cant touch the ingredient tokens.
You cannot stop other sorcerers from seeing the ingredients.
You must replace the lid on the storage space once you are finished searching inside.
When you think you know where all the ingredients tokens shown on your ingredients cards are stored, you can start concocting a potion by:
Turning over all your ingredients cards so they are face up.
Using your magic wand to indicate which storage space you think contains one of the ingredients on your cards
Placing the matching ingredient card next to the storage space
Repeat for the rest of your ingredients cards and once all are placed you can check if your potion will work! For each storage space that you placed at least one card next to, open the storage and check if they are present, if it is, close the storage and move on to the next ingredient. Be careful not to make mistakes because you will have to stop searching as your potion wont work!
When all ingredients are found and youve successfully made your potion, take a potion token with the corresponding number of ingredients used to make the potion and place it on your bag card.
The game ends as soon as a sorcerer fills their bag card; however, players keep taking turns until all the sorcerers have had the same number of turns. To decide the winner, each sorcerer adds the amounts shown on their potion tokens together. The sorcerer with the highest total wins the game!
Potion House reinforces memory and recognition skills!
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