Full Metal AlchemistmeetsVampire Diariesin this fun and clever dark academia series
High school is supposed to be about studying, socializing, and marching-band practice. Not fighting vampires. Then one night flipped my world inside outnow, my life sucks. But it isnt all bad. Im at a slayer academy, learning things like the real origin of vamps and how to make serious weapons out of thin air.
Every last one of them will pay for what they did. Im doing great.
Until I come face-to-face with the actual vampire princeand Im not sure of anything anymore. Vampires are supposed to be soul-sucking demons. But Khamari issomething else. Hes intelligent and reasonableand he seems to know things about me that could change everything.
Hes also hiding something big, even from his own kind. And when a threat from an ancient evil is so extreme that a vampire will team up with a slayer to take it down, it isnt just my need for revenge thats at stake anymore.
Its the whole damn world.
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